Happy Cinco de Mayo!

With all of the celebrating and delicious food and drinks sure to be had this evening, we wanted to share a few reminders of what to never put down your drains (tonight and always)!

Why does my sink drain slowly? - Lanes For Drains

1. Greasy and fatty foods

Whether we’re talking about melted butter, margarine, grease, and other fats, you should make sure to get rid of them in other ways. This includes any type of cooking oils, mayo, and whatever greasy salad dressing you might have made.

That’s because they can build over time and create barriers that have water resistance. And that means annoying clogging.

2. Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds aren’t soluble in water, which means there’s a pretty significant chance they stick to your pipes, especially if you haven’t completely respected point number one. Coffee grounds should never be poured down the drain because the combo of them and grease can spell catastrophe.

3. Rice and Pasta

Sure, rice granules don’t seem like a very dangerous thing to end up down the drain. The problem is that when in contact with water, they tend to absorb it and grow in size. If you’re cooking a lot of rice, they could build up together and form an impenetrable and moist barrier against the water.

It’s quite the same with pasta, too, when you’re draining the pasta water, make sure none of the pasta escapes the sieve and goes on to clog your pipes.

4. Flour

What do you get when you mix flour and water? Think about it carefully and take dough as an example. It gets really sticky in your hands and so it does in your pipes. The result is pretty much something that has the consistency and adhesive properties of glue. Not something you want in your drain, that’s for sure.

How Do You Know If You Need Drain Cleaning?

Why Is My Sink Draining Slowly?

  • Slow Drains
    • Your drain isn’t functioning slower than normal for no reason. While there are a variety of things to blame for a slow-flowing drain, common culprits include objects or substances clogging it up. Hair, grease, soap and other foreign objects can often create clogs that build up over time, making your drains slow. Don’t assume it’ll get better — it’s best to get your drains cleaned immediately.
  • Mysterious Odors
    • It’s not you, it’s your drains. When you start smelling unpleasant odors stemming from plumbing fixtures inside your home, they’re likely the result of a plumbing issue. Those smells could be sewer gases or waste sitting in your drains and should be dealt with right away.
  • Frequent Clogs
    • Don’t just assume it’s a coincidence when you repeatedly have to unclog the toilet or shower drain. When you experience frequent clogs, you’re well on your way to experiencing a potentially major clog inside your home. And if you’re efforts aren’t enough, it’s best to let our TMS professionals tackle the issue.
  • Gurgling Sounds
    • What is that? Strange noises don’t always faze you, but a gurgling noise coming from the toilet or a drain should be a signal for you to take action. The noise often stems from an issue with air in your drain.
  • Multiple Clogged Drains
    • When multiple fixtures are clogged inside your home, you’ve got real issues. Multiple clogged drains is often a sign of a bigger problem, such as a main sewer clog. Be sure to get ahold of our Total Mechanical Systems plumbing experts immediately.

If you’re a victim of a clog or you’re in need of drain cleaning or maintenanceTotal Mechanical Systems can help. Our punctual plumbers are experts in their fields and available to help you with ALL of your plumbing needs. Give us a call today to learn more or to schedule a service!

cinco de mayo drain cleaning


Sources: https://sodelicious.recipes/in-the-kitchen/never-pour-down-the-drain/, https://www.punctualplumberdallas.com/blog/5-signs-need-drain-cleaning/