It’s easy to close the door and turn a blind eye, or ear, to common plumbing problems like leaky faucets or running toilets. Unfortunately, the choice to ignore common plumbing problems is often detrimental to homeowners and property managers who also fail to recognize that these minor inconveniences lead to bigger, more expensive problems. So, what is plumbing maintenance worth to you?

Plumbing maintenance is a task that Connecticut homeowners won’t overlook when they are determined to save time and money while avoiding stress in matters of home upkeep. The break-fix approach to plumbing is a bad idea on many levels. Regular plumbing inspections save money as compared to expenses associated with ongoing plumbing problems and, ultimately, emergency plumbing repairs.

fall plumbing maintenance

For example, have you discovered or do you suspect that a toilet in your home has a slow leak? If so, it’s important to fix it or schedule plumbing repair as soon as possible. Even seemingly small leaks mean that up to 22 gallons of water are being wasted daily. Your water bill will rise and the leak could cause structural damage as the water seeps into your floors. Your bathroom floor could be unsafe, causing slips and falls. Undetected mold growth could occur in your floor or walls, creating health concerns.You may not even realize that you have a major toilet leak!

Did you know that even just letting a leaky faucet drip at a rate of 1 drip per second for a year means you’ve watched more than 3,000 gallons go right down the drain – and that’s a small leak! When you’re contributing to water waste, even at this seemingly passive rate, you’re raising your utility bill each month. Spending a few hundred dollars at the first sign of plumbing problems can help save you thousands later.

The moment you identify a potential plumbing problem in your home – take note. If you have a drip that won’t quit, it’s time to call a licensed plumber to tighten things up.

plumbing problems issues leaks emergency plumbing repair service

Ignoring plumbing problems and plumbing maintenance until there is an unavoidable disaster is a costly practice affecting your wallet, your home, and the health of your family.

It is often a surprise for homeowners to learn that the condition of their pipes and plumbing system can affect air quality in the home. Water leaks occur as a result of things like water pressure issues, valve problems, and cracked pipes. Unattended water leaks create a lively breeding ground for undesirables such as bacteria, mold, and mildew. Disgustingly, cockroaches and other insects are attracted to water. A leaky sink trap can quickly become a pest paradise. Cockroaches are also associated with health issues and breathing. Their presence in a home is known to worsen asthma and allergies in children.
Plumbing maintenance helps to avoid potential problems and keep your pipes clean, which extends the life of your plumbing system and improves water quality. The water you brush your teeth with, bathe in, and wash clothes in is also affected by your plumbing.
During plumbing maintenance, one of our trusted plumbers can identify the condition of your water. It may be recommended that you install a water softening system as a way of preventing corrosive minerals from causing clogging and deterioration of your pipes–the types of problems that cause expensive plumbing emergencies.
There eventually comes a time when pipes in a home finally wear out and need to be replaced. Just the thought can give homeowners nightmares! It can be a major ordeal and expense to replace the pipes in a home. You can sleep more soundly if you schedule routine plumbing maintenance because one of the best benefits is that the ongoing services of a good plumber will extend the life of your plumbing system.

So, what is plumbing maintenance worth to you?

A proactive approach to plumbing maintenance will help you identify and fix leaks and any other plumbing problems before they creep into your bottom-line, saving you hundreds of dollars in the long run.

Are you ready to take the plunge into the future of plumbing system maintenance? Reach out to Total Mechanical Systems today and enjoy a drip-free future. Take advantage of all the benefits of a Fall plumbing maintenance and call us to get yours scheduled today!

tms comfort