
Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality this Summer

Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality this Summer

Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality this Summer

summer heat indoor air quality

The hot weather is making itself known, and this summer, while many will be spending as much time as possible outside to soak in the warmth, others will opt to spend their time inside in an effort to beat the heat.

However, did you know that the air pollutants in your home can be denser and more dangerous than those outside?

Here are some tips for better indoor air quality this summer so your family can breathe a little easier.

  • Keep your floors clean. When your family is constantly running in and out of the house – playing in the yard, coming inside for cool drinks, going to and from summer activities – things like pollen, dirt, and other allergens are often tracked in as well, causing problems for those with allergies and asthma. You can decrease these allergens from filling your home by leaving shoes at the door and cleaning your floors regularly.
  • Have your ducts cleaned. When ducts aren’t maintained, pollutants can settle and gather in the ductwork. Then when the summer heat kicks in, turning on your A/C can stir them up and blow them into your living spaces causing breathing problems.
  • Add some potted plants. Plants are a natural air filter, pulling in excess toxins and converting it to clean oxygen for an effortless boost to your indoor air quality.
  • Make sure your air filter is clean. An air filter traps many of the allergens and pollutants flowing through your ductwork, keeping you from breathing them in. But once it fills up, it becomes difficult for your A/C system to work as it should. Try to clean or replace filters every 3 months or less.
  • Watch how often you open your windows. As good as fresh air sounds, it can also let in a high amount of pollen and airborne toxins. Make sure you watch for days which have a high pollen count (weather channels and websites usually have this information listed), keep your windows and doors closed, and let your A/C unit do the work.
  • Consider adding an air purification system. Air purification systems, decontaminating UV lights, and many other options we offer can be used to kill any microorganisms being emitted by your HVAC system, which is especially helpful if your ducts haven’t been cleaned in quite some time.

If you need help planning indoor air quality solutions to help your family this season, Total Mechanical Systems can help. Give us a call or contact us here.

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Source: https://www.filtrete.com/3M/en_US/filtrete/home-tips/full-story/~/4-ways-extreme-heat-impacts-indoor-air-quality/?storyid=51a7c39c-d0b3-4e1e-88c2-30a3fc76e65c

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