Check Your Hose Bib in the Spring

Check out the faucet for leaks – this is especially common in colder climates like ours where hoses have been left on the hose bib for the winter. If the water supply pipe has frozen the once frozen pipe can be expanded and may have cracked. This pipe will leak and should be replaced as soon as possible by your local plumber, before water damage can occur.

Stop Flooding! Check Your Sump Pump for Proper Function

The most important thing you can do to keep your plumbing system safe this spring is to make sure your sump pump is  primed and ready for some hard work. If you have not seen to your sump pump (don’t worry – you probably aren’t the only one), test it by pouring a few buckets of water into the sump pit. The pump should kick on in a few seconds, allow the flow of water, and then turn itself off automatically. If it doesn’t, call us so we can have one of our experienced Plumbing technicians out to have a look at the sump pump first hand – before it completely burns out.

Other Plumbing Repair Tips

  • Check the faucet in the kitchen and bathroom for leaks. The improvements will help save water and money.
  • Make sure you have your filters on each drain. This is to prevent hair, soap and other substances that may blockyour drains.
  • Check your toilet for leaks. A fast and inexpensive way to do this is to put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If there is a leak, the food color will end up in the bowl within half an hour. While you’re at it, check out the bowl for any cracks or leaks.
  • Check your toilets to make sure they are flushing correctly. If you must hold or shake the handle, you need to replace the parts of the toilet which are responsible for flushing. They do not cost much and in fact will save you money on your water bill.
  • Check your water supply valve by turning on and off occasionally. This will prevent them from sticking.
  • Finally, clean your shower head with vinegar to remove mineral deposits that can clog. I know most people don’t know this little trick of the trade. Take a Zip Loc bag and fill it with white vinegar. Place the Zip Loc bag on the shower head in place and wrap the bag with a few heavy rubber bands securing the bag to the shower head. Leave for 24 hrs and the mineral deposits should breakdown leaving your shower clean as a whistle.

Completing this inspection now will prepare your home for the heavy rains of spring and will help you discover sooner, and not later, any damages caused by a long, cold winter.

And if you do have any plumbing issues, we’re here to fix them for you! Give us a call or text at (860) 314-1518 and we’ll get everything flowing smoothly again for you. Be sure to take advantage of one of the offers below by March 31st!!!