We understand when homeowners say that they want to wait until their heating and/or air conditioning system dies before they replace it. The logic seems correct – maximize the life of the HVAC unit, and in theory save money. However, there are several reasons that may outweigh this strategy.

  • Heating and Cooling units have a higher probability of failure during heavy work loads.  Most heating system failures happen when it cannot keep up in extreme cold conditions.  The motors overheat, or the computer boards fail from cycling on and off repeatedly.  For Air Conditioning, failures happen when they are maxed out on 90 degree days.  When the failure occurs during these times, it is something that cannot be replaced in a couple of hours. A consultant will need to come out and meet with you, the unit(s) will need to be ordered, etc. This will undoubtedly affect your family comfort which we know you want to avoid.
  • Scheduling the work during high demand times can often be met with challenges. During extreme temperatures, heating and cooling companies are in high demand.  Your preferred company may not be available for 2-4 weeks.  Do you wait or try your luck with an unknown or less than reputable company?
  • Not many people realize that you are wasting energy during the last two years of the units’s life span.  As the unit ages, so does the energy efficiency.  Near the end, the efficiency has a steep drop, usually contributing to the failure.  Over the span of the unit’s life, the newer models that are developed might be more energy efficient then the original unit when it was brand new.  Replacing the unit before the major efficiency drop will help you save some money in the long run.
  • Your repair bills are adding up. Old units that are on the brink of failure will often need numerous service calls and this can add up quickly.  If any repair would happen to cost half the price of the replacement, we would recommend replacement.

Proper assessment and planning will ensure you are getting the unit that is sized right for your home with the options that fit your lifestyle. Installation can be on your terms and during moderate weather, keeping your family and home safe from extreme temperatures.

Call the professionals at Total Mechanical Systems at (860) 314-1518 to schedule your consultation today if you think it’s time to look in to a new system. We are here to help you to be prepared and ready for all of the temperatures Mother Nature can throw at us during all seasons of the year.