Save Some Cash And The Environment By Adjusting Your Thermostat

Save Some Cash And The Environment By Adjusting Your Thermostat

Did you know that heating and cooling your home makes up about half of your energy expenses? It’s easy to forget this when late winter chills are at the forefront, and all you want is some warmth. Our goal at Total Mechanical Systems is to keep our families in Connecticut warm and happy. Instead of cranking your thermostat, follow these tips to ensure a season full of comfort and savings.

Work with time

Leaving your thermostat at the same temperature throughout the year is reducing your green-saving potential. Does your heating system need to continue working at the maximum when no one is home? Consider dialing your thermometer down whenever your home is unoccupied for eight hours or longer.

Work with the weather

Although spring is just around the corner, we’ve still got a few chilly days left throughout March.

While it may seem counterintuitive, setting your thermostat a couple of degrees lower (than what you usually would) dramatically impacts your expenses. Slightly lowering the temperature helps take the strain off your heating system, leading to increased energy savings.


Make every degree count by upgrading to a programmable thermostat. Believe it or not, operating a manual thermostat requires more energy. Plus, continually dialing your home’s temperature up and down can become a tedious task. Whether you’re in your usual routine or out and about, a programmable thermostat can help you relax, knowing it’s set to save you the most this March! On top of maximizing energy savings, a programmable thermostat contributes to overall improved system performance.

Working with time and weather while upgrading your thermostat are simple ways to ensure that your home blooms alongside spring. We keep it green at TMS all year long. Let us know how we can be of service by giving us a call. We’re here to help now!