Although you may be used to winter storms here in CT, it’s always important to prepare your home’s heating system properly. What you might not be aware of is that prepping your heating system for winter storms, as well as cold weather overall, can reduce your energy bill, usage and expand the future of your system.
hvac heating winter weather prepare


Heating system care and maintenance is one of the most useful and simplest ways to get your home ready for severe winter storms. Always get your HVAC system inspected in the fall and plan to get your AC system inspected before you actually need it! If you haven’t had your maintenance done yet, have no fear, you still can!
And while you’re at, sign up for one of our TMS home comfort club plans and never worry about remembering to schedule your maintenance again… sign up and leave it to us to call you before each season to get your maintenance scheduled!


Heating systems generally have a lifespan of 15-20 years with yearly care. Without annual maintenance, their lifespan is significantly shortened. If having to call one of our HVAC technicians for urgent heating system repair or installation during a winter storm sounds like the worst thing ever, we hear you. To avoid such a scenario, replace your heating system at the first sign of expensive troubles when repairs don’t financially make sense or the system is well past it’s life cycle. Here are some signs that your heating system might need to be replaced:

  • System hasn’t been serviced regularly
  • Energy bills are on the rise
  • System is struggling to keep your home warm
  • System has become a money pit when it comes to repairs
  • System is getting old – 15-20 years or older. A more modern heating system will save you in costs down the line in energy conservation and better comfort!

Replace Your Filter!

A filter filled with debris will have to work harder to get energy through your house, which only produces dirty air and higher energy bills. Your filter ideally should be swapped out according to your system’s manufacturer’s guide, but the timeframe is generally every one to three months, especially in peak use season.

Unblock Air Vents!

Furniture and other big objects in common rooms – beds, shelves, couches, can block vents and severely limit airflow in your home, which causes uncomfortable drops in temperature. Move any objects that are obstructing airflow, and make sure your vents are open.


Get your home properly insulated so you can keep the temperature regulated throughout the house. Tons of heat is lost through the roof, which is why it’s so important to keep your attic properly insulated. Same with making sure you aren’t losing heat through old doors and windows. This step will help prevent wasted energy and high energy bills. After all, you don’t need to heat the outside!

If you are experiencing any issues with your heating system or just want to get that much needed maintenance completed, give our Total Mechanical Systems team of heating experts a call! We’re happy to help in any way we can. Your comfort is always our first priority and we never want anyone to be stuck without heat during the coldest months of the year or especially in the middle of a snowstorm. Prepare your heating system today! Being prepared now will save a lot of stress later.

tms comfort

