If you are cooking or having people over for Thanksgiving, you are probably prepping your meal and preparing your home for extra guests. To ensure that your HVAC system is running as efficiently as possible, here are some tips to prepare your HVAC system for Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season.

HVAC tips Thanksgiving

Dust Your Home and Air Vents:

Dusting your home and air vents can improve the air quality of your home and can put less strain on your heating system because the dust won’t be clogging up your air filter.

Change Your Air Filter:

A dirty filter will make your HVAC system work harder to heat your home. With all the extra guests coming to your home, it’s a good idea to clean or change your air filter before they arrive. This will ensure that clean air will be traveling through your home and that your HVAC equipment is running as efficiently as possible.

Turn Your Thermostat Down a Few Degrees:

Thanksgiving meals usually require a lot of baking and use of the oven and stove, so your home will heat up quickly. To save on your heating bills during Thanksgiving, turn the thermostat down before you begin cooking or if you will be traveling and won’t be home for Thanksgiving, turn your thermostat down while you are away. This will save you money on heating bills.

Consider an Air Filtration or Air Purification System for Better Indoor Air Quality:

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, but this time of year is also flu season. Consider getting an air filtration or air purification system to improve the air quality of your home and better protect you and your family from airborne illnesses and allergens.

thanksgiving dinner family hvac

We hope these HVAC tips help prepare you to prepare your HVAC system for Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays. If you need any heating, plumbing, indoor air quality, or water treatment service, call our Total Mechanical Systems team at 860-626-HEAT or fill out our online form HERE!

tms comfort


Source: https://www.faszold.com/post/hvac-tips-for-thanksgiving