Preparing Your Home and HVAC System For a Winter Vacation

Do you plan on going away this winter? Be sure to prepare your home and HVAC system before you go!

HVAC Winter Vacation

During the holiday season, AAA estimates that about a third of Americans will go on a winter trip or vacation. While the holidays are a wonderful time, they can also bring weather-related disasters, home burglaries, and other not-so-merry events. To protect your home and HVAC system while you are away, be sure to take necessary precautions before you enjoy your time away from home.

Ensure Your Heating System is Operating Properly

If you haven’t already had your annual furnace tune-up for this fall or winter, be sure to schedule an appointment before you depart for your trip.

If you have already arranged for a professional tune-up of your furnace or heating system this season, double check that everything is functioning correctly. This includes checking the pilot light, air filter, thermostat, and other components to make sure they are all working properly.

Keep Your System Running

Extreme temperature fluctuations and humidity levels can cause damage to your home and belongings. Instead of turning off your HVAC system completely, consider just lowering the thermostat to a more moderate temperature. If you have valuable items like artwork, books, furniture, or other sensitive possessions that you want to protect while you are away, it is recommended to keep the HVAC system set to no lower than 55 degrees. Some homeowners opt to set their thermostat around 5 to 10 degrees lower than usual while on vacation.

Check Your Air Filter

Before you leave, be sure to clean or replace the air filter in your HVAC system. The system will periodically turn on while you are away to maintain temperature and humidity levels and protect your home and belongings. It’s important to ensure that your air filter is in good condition to last the duration of your trip.

Set Your Water Heater

While it’s important to make sure your home is comfortable and welcoming when you return from your winter vacation, you also want to be mindful of energy efficiency and cost-saving measures. One way to do this is by turning off your water heater or setting it to “vacation” mode while you are away. This will prevent the water heater from constantly heating and maintaining a large tank of hot water that won’t be used while you are gone. If you have a traditional tank-type water heater, you can also lower the temperature to save energy. By taking these simple steps, you can help reduce your energy usage and save on utility costs while you are away from home.

Consider a Humidification System

One way to ensure the optimal humidity levels in your home while you are away is by installing a humidification system in your home. These systems can automatically detect and address any humidity issues by adding or removing moisture to bring your home back into the ideal humidity range. This can help prevent problems such as dry air, which can cause discomfort and lead to respiratory issues, or excessive humidity, which can lead to mold growth and other issues. By investing in a humidification system, you can have peace of mind that your home’s humidity levels are being properly maintained even while you are away.

Protect Your Home From Winter Weather

If you will be away from home during a period of freezing temperatures, it’s important to take steps to prevent your pipes from freezing and potentially bursting. In Connecticut, it’s likely that temperatures will drop below freezing for extended periods of time. When water inside a pipe freezes, it expands and blocks the pipe, which can cause an increase in water pressure throughout the rest of the home and may result in the pipe bursting. To prevent this, you can try running a faucet with a slow drip during the coldest nights. The movement of the water will help prevent it from freezing. It’s also a good idea to insulate pipes that are vulnerable to freezing, such as those located in unheated areas of the home. By following these simple precautions, you can protect your home from the risks of frozen and burst pipes during periods of extreme cold.

Unplug Devices and Shut Off Power Strips/Surge Protectors

Appliances and electronics that are plugged into outlets continue to draw power even when they are not in use or turned “off,” a phenomenon known as standby energy loss or “vampire energy.” This includes devices in standby mode, such as computers, TVs, and appliances. To save energy and protect your electronics from potential damage from electrical surges, we recommend  unplugging all of your devices before leaving home for an extended period of time. If you don’t have whole-home surge protection, anything that is plugged in is at risk of being damaged by an electrical surge. To be safe and save energy, be sure to unplug your electronics before any trip or vacation.

Happy Holidays From Total Mechanical Systems! We Wish You a Wonderful Winter Vacation!