Do you feel like Mother Nature is confused? If so, you are not alone. Stark temperature contrasts seem to be the norm lately here in CT.

You may need heat one day and a/c the next throughout the Spring months. Typically, it is just fine to switch back and forth between heat and air… however there is a right and a wrong time to adjust that thermostat.

Is it OK to Frequently Switch from Heating to Air Conditioning?

Your heating and air conditioning system is designed to maintain indoor comfort. Generally, it is safe to switch from heating to air conditioning and vice versa in the same day. There is no need to freeze or fry your family. However, it is important to allow your unit to complete its current cycle before making the switch. Allow the compressor to shut off entirely before changing the thermostat setting and temperature.

Signs there May be an Issue with Your HVAC

If your home is often uncomfortable, switching back and forth may be one sign your unit requires repair or replacement. Additional signs the issue may require more attention include:

  • Air conditioning/heating system fail to meet the thermostat setting
  • Supply vents blowing cold air when the heat is on and vice versa
  • Heating and air conditioning system frequently trips the breaker
  • Unit runs constantly whether heating or cooling
  • Unit does not turn on when you think it should
  • Excess dust or pet dander in your home

If your heating and air conditioning system engages frequently, but for short intervals, it is called short-cycling. Short-cycling will significantly reduce your system’s efficiency and shorten its lifespan. You can potentially short-cycle your unit if you do not allow it to complete its cycle before switch from heat to a/c. If your unit is short-cycling on its own, it is vital you contact us here at TMS to get a technician out to you as soon as possible.

Regular HVAC Maintenance is Key to System Efficiency and Longevity

Short-cycling and other HVAC issues are exasperated when heating and air conditioning systems are not properly maintained. To ensure your system will supply warm and cool air when you and your family need it, make sure you regularly following these maintenance steps:

  • Regularly change your air filter.
  • Check for leaks around unit.
  • Remove debris and maintain proper clearance around unit.
  • Keep vents open and unobstructed.
  • Clean outdoor unit fan.
  • Call TMS to get your annual maintenance done on both your heating and air conditioning systems!

At TMS, we offer full-service maintenance plans that guarantee homeowners the peace of mind of knowing that their systems are being properly and effectively maintained throughout the year. Call us at (860) 314-1518 to find out more about maintenance plans and/or if you need to set up a service appointment or free sales consultation.

Your Comfort Is Our First Priority!