It’s time for one last bash of the season! But is your home ready for all the “goodbye summer” activities Labor Day weekend brings?

How to Prep for Your Labor Day Festivities:

  1. Change Your Air Filters
    If your HVAC air filters are clogged and dirty, your system will have to work harder to keep your home cool. You also risk the chance of your unit breaking down, so don’t forget to clean or change your air filters!
  2. Turn Down Your A/C
    Since we’ll all be outside enjoying the holiday weekend — fingers crossed — adjust your thermostat so your A/C doesn’t waste energy by cooling an empty home.
  3. Install Energy-Efficient Lighting
    It’s environmentally-friendly and it helps keep your party going throughout the night! Call a professional to help you install LED lights and replace any hanging fixtures with recessed lighting.
  4. Clean Your Patio Furniture
    It’s been a long summer of fun, so it wouldn’t hurt to take your outdoor furnishings and clean them up for your last hooray of the season.

We hope you enjoy your Labor Day long weekend! If you happen to run into any problems while you’re celebrating, don’t hesitate to give our professionals a call at (860) 314-1518 — our technicians are always here for you!