Bringing the new year excitement into your home can brighten up the next 365 days of the year. However, bad HVAC habits are easily formed and often overlooked. Applying good habits to your home’s heating and air conditioning systems can save you money AND increase your home’s comfort. We think those are certainly good enough reasons to make good HVAC habits a new year’s resolution!

But what exactly are the mistakes homeowners make with their HVAC system? How can you fix them? Keep reading to find out!

hvac new year resolutions maintenance

Mistake #1 – Choosing the Wrong Air Filter

Installing the incorrect type of air filter is a surefire way to wreck your home’s air quality. It’s common for homeowners to purchase the wrong size or type of air filter for their home. This puts excessive wear on your home’s filtration system and can lead to serious trouble.

To be extra certain the right filter is installed, have one of our professional TMS service technicians do it for you during your annual HVAC inspections and maintenance appointments.

Mistake #2 – Neglecting Maintenance 

Remembering to schedule HVAC maintenance doesn’t always happen. Life gets busy, and the heating and cooling systems of a home can fall prey to the “out of sight, out of mind mentality,” but this is, unfortunately, a surefire way to send your HVAC system into disrepair. Your heating and cooling systems should each be inspected and given any needed maintenance every year.

Missing or neglecting maintenance puts the HVAC system of a home at risk for damage and failure. Dust buildup, loose parts, and leaks are often missed by the homeowner but can be easily caught by one of our expert TMS technicians. If caught early, we can help to save your system from damages or failure.

Resolving to schedule your annual heating and cooling tune-ups in the New Year can set your HVAC system up for success for the coming year and beyond.

Mistake #3 – Choosing DIY Over Professional Service

Everyone wants to save a buck – homes can be expensive! But, skimping on your HVAC system isn’t the best way to apply the “Do It Yourself” mindset. Heating and cooling systems are intricate, with plenty of electrical components and dangerous chemicals at play that can put a DIYer at risk of injury.

Attempting to save money by trying to fix any HVAC issues without training can damage the system, resulting in a project that needs to be fixed by a professional that is far more costly than the original service would have been. Additionally, HVAC companies like Total Mechanical Systems must be licensed and certified to make repairs and installations up to code. DIY solutions rarely comply with such building codes.

Correcting these simple mistakes by sticking to your HVAC New Year’s resolution is one way to improve the new year and many years to come. At Total Mechanical Systems, we can help any homeowner looking to improve their HVAC habits.



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Trust a Local Expert

The friendly team at Total Mechanical Systems has been providing peace of mind and excellent home comfort services to the people of Connecticut for over 20 years. Our expert technicians care about our clients and strive to provide only the best service and results at every appointment. From annual HVAC maintenance to installation of a new system, not to mention all of the other services we offer including plumbing, water treatment, electrical, and indoor air quality services, Total Mechanical Systems is ALWAYS here to help. After all, “Your Comfort Is Our First Priority!”

