How Do Humidity Levels Impact Your A/C Performance?


humidity summer HVAC cooling air conditioning comfort

The combination of high temperatures and high humidity outdoors and inside your home can both negatively affect the cooling potential of your system. Your A/C works by collecting and removing hot air from your home. It then returns the air, now cool, to the rooms of your house. Most modern A/C systems include a dehumidifier function.

Why this feature is important is because of the answer to this question: Do air conditioners work harder in high humidity? Yes. Humidity requires your A/C system to work harder to compensate. And since high humidity makes your home feel warmer than it actually is, you might run your A/C longer and at a lower temperature just to feel comfortable.

humidity summer air conditioning HVAC

How Does Humidity Affect the Temperature In A House?

Humidity doesn’t affect the temperature in your house, but it does make you feel warmer. Your thermostat may say 75°, but you could still feel overheated if you have moist air inside. With air conditioning and humidity, how hot you feel, known as the heat index, is what matters when it comes to comfort.

The impact of humidity on perceived temperature is so significant that meteorologists use a measure called the “heat index” to communicate how hot it feels when humidity is factored in. On average, homeowners prefer a cozy 72° temperature. However, when the relative humidity rises to 70%, the perceived heat or heat index increases to 78°. This high humidity can make the air feel about 5 degrees warmer than what the thermometer shows. This is not just uncomfortable, but it also has financial implications. For every degree that you reduce your home’s temperature, your cooling costs can increase by up to 3%, leading to higher energy consumption and increased bills. Maintaining an optimal humidity level can enhance your home’s energy efficiency, save on your monthly bills, and do your part for the environment. If you are feeling the effects of high humidity levels, it’s likely your air conditioner will too.

When the humidity is high, your A/C system may not be able to keep up in providing comfort. Thankfully, you can do something about this issue. Taking care of humidity inside your home will make you feel more comfortable and help your A/C run more efficiently.

These fixes to lower humidity in your house can all be part of the solution:

  • Schedule regular A/C maintenance. An expert can ensure that all parts of your system are in good working order, minimizing the effects of humidity. Frequent service will also extend your HVAC lifespan.
  • Install a more modern, efficient A/C system. Newer units are simply more efficient in both cooling and removing humidity.
  • Install a dehumidifier on your HVAC system. If your A/C doesn’t have a dehumidifier, you can add one, dramatically increasing your comfort level.
  • Purchase a dehumidifier. An inexpensive, yet highly effective option is to buy a separate dehumidifier unit–or several. Place them in rooms where you spend the most time or where moisture is a particular problem. Be sure to look for energy-efficient dehumidifiers.

Worried about humidity in your home or have questions? TMS is here to help!
Call our HVAC experts today… you’re way too cool to be uncomfortable!


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