Hidden Dangers of Hard Water

Hard water is a common problem in homes across the country. However, in Connecticut, hard water is seen in every town. The risks aren’t typically health related. Having hard-water isn’t dangerous, while it does have excess minerals that may taste unpleasant, it’s generally safe to drink. Although it’s not an extreme danger to health, there are many ways that hard water may affect you and your home.

Showers Sabotaged

Hard water contains a build up of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals will produce a film on the hair, making it difficult for moisture to penetrate. As a result of this, your hair is left dry and prone to breakage. If left unresolved, these issues could potentially lead to hair loss. Another issue hard water can cause is dry, itchy skin. Hard water prevents soap from dissolving and could even leave a film on your skin, leaving your skin dull and dry.

Washing Machine Disasters

If you have hard water in your home, your clothes are constantly damaged in the washing process. Hard water can leave mineral deposits behind on your clothes that will cause soiling to build up on your clothes. It also causes whites to look dingy.

Water Heaters Under Attack

On average, a hot water heater will last 8 to 10 years. When a home has hard water, this lifespan could be shortened to as few as 4 to 6 years. This is due to the fact that limescale forms on the heating element, encasing it and reducing the ability to heat water.

Appliances Destroyed

Dishwashers, washing machines, and ice makers are all at risk in homes with hard water. This is due to again, mineral deposits which block small water supply lines, narrow drain lines, and build up on the internal components. This reduces an appliance’s effectiveness and lifespan, costing homeowners a fortune to replace.

Our Solution to Hard Water Nightmares

Luckily, Total Mechanical Systems specializes in home Water Treatment. Our goal is to provide residents of Connecticut with clean, sustainable water that won’t be a threat to your daily life. Hard water can be resolved by installing a water softener. You’ll notice the difference immediately when softer water is introduced into your home.

Give us a call TODAY! Let TMS solve your hard water nightmare!