Here are five of the biggest myths regarding ductless systems and mini split heat pumps.

They Are More Expensive To Run Than Oil Or Gas Heaters

The use of electric heat pumps will actually save you between $1,000 and $2,000 annually in energy costs, making it one of the most energy efficient air conditioning and heating systems out there. The cost savings associated with split-ductless heat pumps is dependent upon a number of factors, including the efficiency, condition and location of the original equipment, energy type and climatic region.

Mini-Split Heat Pumps Collect And Distribute Bacteria

Most mini split heat pumps are equipped with filter systems and self-cleaning functions, so that bacteria and spores don’t have an opportunity to settle. Incoming air is purified in several steps. Filters can be washed with soapy water. An internal fan insures that the heat exchanger dries completely, eliminating any chance of bacterial growth. Ductless mini split systems actually provide better air quality and remove more allergens than traditional systems.

Ductless Heat Pumps Are Only Suitable For New Construction and Not Existing Properties

While ductless heat pumps (like any new heating and air conditioning system), are more efficient in well-insulated new-build houses, they can still manage climate control and drive efficiencies in existing or older homes. They are a perfectly good option for older homes, especially when the homeowner wants to add energy efficient air conditioning as well as upgrade their heating system. They also work well for finished basements, new additions to homes, sunrooms, and rooms in a home which tend to be a hot/cold spot and need extra cooling and/or heating.

They Don’t Have A Long Life Cycle Because They Operate Twelve Months A Year

As long as they are properly maintained and serviced, ductless heat pumps have the same life cycle as traditional HVAC systems. Dirt, improper application and service, and lack of preventative care are the main reasons heat pumps fail, so it’s important to monitor performance and schedule routine maintenance just as you would your car or any other major appliance you operate year-round.

Mini-Split Heat Pumps Don’t Work In Cold Climates

There are ductless heat pump systems that offer 100% heating capacity down to -22° F outdoor ambient, so they’re the perfect supplement to an existing central heating system. Offering higher efficiency ratings than boiler-based systems, ductless heat pumps cost less to operate by maximizing the amount of heat generated from the energy consumed, so a ductless mini-split is not only an energy efficient air conditioner, it’s also one of the most effective and energy efficient heaters out there. No matter the temperature outside, these systems can handle the extremes.

Call Us To Schedule Your Consultation For a FREE Quote For a Ductless Heating and Cooling System In Your Home and See For Yourself Just How Efficient These Systems Are And How Much Money You Can Save!