Do you need a generator for your home? While you may be on the fence about it, let’s go through the benefits provided of having a whole home or standby generator installed.

power electrical generator for home

Whenever a power outage occurs, whether due to storms, fire, or an unreliable power grid, one thing remains the same and that is that it is always a major inconvenience. Whatever the reason, you may be considering investing in a generator to get you through when the power goes out.

Large Amounts Of Frozen/Refrigerated Food

Most food is not cheap, and if you keep large amounts of frozen or refrigerated food (meats especially), then it might be worth investing in a generator.

According to A full freezer will keep food frozen at a safe temperature for around 48 hours during a power outage (assuming you don’t open the door). After this time you will need to defrost it and consume it or dispose of it.

A fridge will hold food at a safe temperature for up to 4 hours during a power outage before it should be discarded.

Can you afford to lose all the food you have stored in your fridges and freezers? Probably not.

Medical Equipment On Site

If you have life saving medical equipment on site that requires power to operate and it may be needed in an emergency, then it goes without saying that you need some sort of backup power.

Some of these medical devices may include:

  • Home dialysis machine
  • Suction devices
  • Breathing machines

It is possible that such equipment has battery backup, but how long does it last?

If your average power blackout lasts for longer than the batteries on your emergency medical devices (or they don’t have backup at all), then you need a backup power source.

Essential Heating

During the cold Connecticut winters, heating your home is not a luxury, it is a necessity. And, depending on the type of heating you use, it may be that you require power to keep your house warm.

Pellet stoves, electric space heaters, heat pumps and central heating all require electricity to run. An extended power outage could mean allowing the house to drop to uncomfortable and possibly dangerous temperatures.

Emergency Communications

For some people, being able to communicate with the outside world is essential. Not just to be able to check your Instagram feed, but to be able to contact emergency services in the event of an emergency.

If you rely on power to keep your communications up and running (charging phones, internet) and you simply MUST have the ability to contact and connect to the outside world at all times, then a generator will easily become your best investment.

Essential Equipment

It’s possible that you have other non-lifesaving equipment in your home that is almost as important to keep running. One example of this is a sump pump. Many houses rely on these devices to ensure they aren’t flooded and moisture levels are kept to a minimum.

So, sit down and make a list of any devices that absolutely must have power in your home.

Keep in mind that once you do make the decision to install a generator for your home, it will require maintenance and there are installation and fuel costs associated. However, the convenience and peace of mind having a whole home generator provides certainly can make it all worth it.

So, do you need a generator? Our Total Mechanical Systems’ team is here to answer all of your questions and have you meet with one of our professional electricians to go through your options and determine the best generator for you and your home’s comfort. Power up with TMS and reach out to us today!

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