Today marks World Environment Day, and at Total Mechanical Systems, we’re celebrating the fact that residential HVAC units are more efficient than ever before, delivering improved performance even as they consume less energy.

This is significant—for both the environment and your energy bill.

world environment day hvac total mechanical systems heating cooling

According to, “heating and cooling accounts for more than half the energy use in a typical U.S. home, making it the largest energy expense for most homes.”
In Connecticut, that percentage might be even higher, thanks to the warm and humid weather we experience in the summer and the cold and frigid temperatures we can experience in the winter.

This means that upgrading to a new, more efficient HVAC system can potentially save you a significant amount of money over the course of your unit’s lifespan, and be better for the environment to boot. Engineers are finding new ways to make heating and cooling more efficient and easier, and homeowners are able to take advantage of these improvements.

In observance of World Environment Day, we’d like to share some energy friendly tips, for Air Conditioning optimization, that you can implement in your own home easily!

Keep the Heat Away and Your Home Cool

  • During the hot summer months, it can be tricky regulating your home’s temperature while also staying energy efficient. Try these helpful tips to cool your home and keep the heat away:
    • Plant tree around your home to provide shade and cool breezes
    • Close curtains or oblinds during the heat of the day to block the sun
    • Use fans throughout your home to help circulate air and keep it from feeling too hot (always make sure they’re spinning counterclockwise to push hot air down!)

Regulate Body Temperature

summer drink water total mechanical systems

When your body’s temperature is properly regulated, it doesn’t require much outside assistance like fans or A/C to stay cool.

  • Hydrate regularly with cold water.
    • It’s recommended that the average person drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • When you’re properly hydrated, you won’t feel the need to lower the thermostat too much and can conserve more energy.

Prevent Air Leakage

There’s nothing worse than running your air conditioning or house fans to cool your home and all of the cooled air escaping outdoors. Not only will an improperly sealed home cost you more money in heating and cooling efforts, but it will also reduce your home’s air comfort level.

Take the following steps to make sure your home is correctly sealed and ready to be energy efficient:

  • Properly seal all gaps and openings
  • Install more energy-efficient windows that have appropriate caulking and weatherstripping
  • Keep doors and windows shut during the hotter hours and when the A/C is running
  • Make sure any gaps or holes around chimneys are filled and close their flues
  • Ensure your attic and basement are properly insulated

Taking the time to do this now will also help to prepare your home to be more energy efficient in winter! 

With rising energy costs and the ever-growing importance of protecting our environment, taking steps to be as energy efficient as possible is crucial; but conserving energy doesn’t mean sacrificing comfort!

At Total Mechanical Systems, we know that together, we can all make a difference for World Environment Day and beyond.

tms comfort














