lead in water bad for health
Can lead in water make you sick? According to the EPA, lead poses a serious health threat, especially for pregnant women, infants and young children. For example, lead exposure has been linked to the following issues in children:
  • delays in physical development
  • behavioral problems
  • damage growing brains

And when it comes to the health effects of lead in water, adults are also at risk. There is evidence linking lead exposure to kidney problems, high blood pressure and increased risks of cardiovascular deaths.

Can Lead In Water Make You Sick?

lead in water

How do you remove lead from your water?

Reverse osmosis is a simple and economical way to protect your household drinking water by filtering out contaminants like lead. Reverse Osmosis can remove 99.1% of lead in water.
Reverse Osmosis is a highly-effective purification process, has a low production cost (only pennies per gallon), consumes no energy, and is easy to clean and maintain.

To learn more about how reverse osmosis works or to schedule your free home water test, contact our TMS water treatment professionals today!

tms comfort



Sources: https://www.espwaterproducts.com/how-to-remove-lead-from-water/, file://, https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Departments-and-Agencies/DPH/dph/environmental_health/lead/Case-Management/Lead-in-Drinking-Water_v2.pdf