The benefits of a good air conditioning system makes it a worthwhile investment.

It’s literally a life saver… Keeping cool with an efficient air conditioner is the best means of preventing heat-related deaths and illnesses.

Better air quality… Air conditioners circulate and filter air, removing pollutants and mold from the air. This is especially important for people who suffer from allergies and asthma because it minimizes the irritants that trigger an attack. However, be sure your system is kept clean with annual maintenance and that the filters are regularly changed.

Cooler tempers… It’s not just our brains that suffer from the heat either. When the mercury rises so do tempers.  While our brains are slowing down, our bodies are speeding up with increased heart rates and higher blood pressure. All this leads to more aggressive behavior making a cool environment key to maintaining peace at home, work, and in public places.

Easier sleep… Those same physical changes – higher heart rate and blood pressure – that make us angry can also make it next to impossible to get a good night’s sleep. One’s core body temperature is also a critical factor in getting to and staying asleep. A too hot room interferes with natural temperature regulation which doctors say functions best at between 65 and 75 degrees.

Protects furniture… Heat, and especially the humidity that often accompanies it, can wreak havoc on furniture of all kinds. Wood gains and loses moisture with the air around it which over time leads to warping. Leather also absorbs moisture which could eventually cause that stylish couch to rot. And any fabric is susceptible to the mold that breeds rampantly in damp environments.

Prevents electronic devices from overheating… Almost as scary as the effects of heat and humidity on our bodies is the damage they can do to our electronics. The phones and computers we depend on daily can suffer serious meltdowns when the temperature goes up leading to loss of data and an overall shorter lifespan.

Better security… Open windows, even with screens, are limited when it comes to keeping bugs out. They’re even worse at keeping out unwanted people. An unsecure window with a big, clunky window A/C unit hanging out of it simply isn’t safe. You want to keep your loved ones and valuables protected from both the elements and the unpleasant side of humankind.

Fewer sweat stains… This pales in comparison to many of the other issues, but the heat can be murder on your clothes. Keeping cool with a central air conditioning system can help preserve your wardrobe and your budget.

Whether a central A/C system or a ductless system works best for your home, our expert team at TMS will do everything we can to find the perfect system to suit all of your needs and keep you and your home cool, safe, and comfortable. Contact us to schedule a free in-home consultation for a quote today!

benefits air conditioning



