More and more often these days, we see homeowners install an air purification system to cut down on contaminants in the air, allowing them to breathe a little easier. By having a better idea of what air purification is and how these systems work, you can decide whether this method of air quality control is right for you.

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What is Air Purification?

Unlike air sterilization or air filtration, in air purification, particulates and microbes are not removed but are instead neutralized using technologies that include high-output ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI).

An air purification system (also commonly referred to as air scrubbers) tends to be most effective when they consist of a series of ionizers, vacuum ultraviolet lights, and catalytic scrubbers. These components work together to deactivate things like airborne viruses and neutralize other unhealthy particles before reaching a home’s vents.

Whole House Air Purifier Installation in Connecticut

Benefits of Air Purification

Being able to neutralize harmful particles and other contaminants before they reach the air you breathe can help to reduce instances of illness in the home. Meanwhile, those who normally suffer from allergies and/or respiratory conditions like asthma can also benefit from breathing neutralized and cleaner air.

Air purification systems have been found to be effective in removing:

  • Allergens and mold spores
  • Toxins created by cleaning products, chemicals and the like
  • Smoke and particulates from indoor combustion systems (furnaces, machinery, etc.)

clean air in home

With about 84% of Americans currently spending 90% or more of their time indoors, there has never been a better time to improve indoor air quality!

Give the pros at TMS a call today to get started having the cleanest, healthiest air in your home possible!


Total Mechanical Systems
