You may wonder how your air conditioning & indoor air quality are related. Here, we will explain how your cooling system affects your home’s air quality and what you can do to keep your air as clean and your home as healthy as possible so you and your family have nothing to worry about except making the most of your summer and time together!

enjoying air conditioning in home

First, it is important to remember that air conditioners recycle air that is already present in your home, they do not bring fresh outdoor air in. The cool air that passes through while the A/C unit is running is a result of refrigerants, fans and evaporator coils. It is not the result of outdoor air being brought into the home.

An A/C system is not an IAQ solution.

The main purpose of air conditioning is to improve your comfort by cooling the air and regulating temperature – which is done by circulating already present air.  It’s also common practice to close all windows and doors when the A/C is running. While doing so is understandable to save money and allows the air conditioning to run effectively, it does further trap indoor contaminants.

Plus, when an air conditioning unit is not properly maintained or is run more often than necessary, indoor air quality decreases. An air conditioning unit that is not maintained, for example, can greatly increase the symptoms for those in your home who may suffer from allergies or asthma.

Annual a/c maintenance is so incredibly important to help keep your air at a higher quality… at TMS, we offer service club memberships where you don’t even have to remember to schedule your maintenance, we take care of it for you and give you a call when it’s time. 

Air Conditioning & Indoor Air Quality Solutions

It’s crucial to understand that your air conditioning system is just one piece of the puzzle that makes up the HVAC system for your home. By itself, an A/C unit cannot contribute to healthy indoor air quality. However, when the unit is complemented by an air purification system that installs directly and works with your overall HVAC system, indoor air quality thrives.

Solutions such as a whole-home humidifier, dehumidifier, upgraded MERV 13 air filter, or air purifier will work hand-in-hand with your HVAC system to improve indoor air quality. And that’s why indoor air quality options are a helpful add-on for your home!

Air Conditioning & Indoor Air Quality go hand-in-hand, and at Total Mechanical Systems, we are here to help you and your family to stay comfortable and healthy in your home. Call our expert team to learn more about the best indoor air quality options for your home today!

indoor air quality at home

Don’t have an air conditioning system in your home? We can help with that too! We offer plenty of financing options and special offers. Call or text us to set up a free in-home consultation today.

Don’t have an air conditioning system but still want to learn about the indoor air quality options available for your home? Sure thing! Contact us today for all details!

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