Water heaters tend to face the most stress and damage during the cooler months. However, the warmer seasons bring their own set of hot water woes.

Let’s dive into navigating summer challenges with your water heater. 🌞🚿

Water Gets Too Hot

Once the temperatures rise in the spring and summer, your water heater is no longer combatting the cold weather. This can leave you with scalding hot water. Unnecessarily high temperatures also cause your water heater to overwork, which can leave you with higher bills and an increased risk of water heater problems.

taking a shower water heater

The solution? Lower temperature settings!

Thankfully, the solution here is simple. You will need to turn your water heater back down to its pre-winter temperature settings. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends lowering your water heater to 120℉. If you have trouble lowering your water heater temperature on your own, you can consult your plumbing expert during your seasonal maintenance visit.

Maintenance Troubles

Water heater maintenance is essential year-round. However, water usage tends to sharply increase in the summer. Increased use makes it essential to get the manufacturer-recommended care you need. Over time, harmful sediments can build up in your water heater. These particles cling to your water heater tank or settle in your tankless unit, reducing its efficiency, effectiveness, and lifespan.

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The solution? An annual water heater maintenance!

Water heaters should be flushed, on average, once a year to keep your unit in good health. This process will remove the sediment buildup and restore your water heater functioning efficiently.

Pilot Light Loss

For homes with gas-powered water heaters—especially those placed in the attic—you may experience issues with your pilot light during the summer. Pilot light issues occur when the area surrounding a water heater is warmer than the water heater itself. Additionally, because warm air rises, these units may not have the ventilation needed for the combustion process in the summer.

The solution? Ventilation improvements.

Improve ventilation or consider relocating your water heater to address combustion problems; especially if your unit is placed in your attic. If it leaks or bursts, it will put your whole house at risk for water damage.

Warm Water Shortage

Hotter weather often means more frequently needed showers, extra laundry, and more cleaning. If your household is jam-packed, this could lead to some warm water shortages that you might not find in the colder months.

The solution? You may need a larger water heater.

Larger water heaters have more capacity, which means there is more warm water to go around. You might also consider a tankless water heater. Tankless units heat water on-demand to keep you from experiencing shortages.

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Upgrade to an energy-efficient model. Is your water heater more than 10 years old? Today’s water heaters are more efficient than ever!

Navigating Summer Challenges with Your Water Heater? Talk to the Top Water Heater Pros in Connecticut!

Remember, regular maintenance and professional advice are essential for a trouble-free water heater and solving all of your hot water woes. Stay cool and enjoy your summer showers! 😊🔥

To get in touch with one of TMS‘ expert plumbing technicians, dial (860) 314-1518 (option 2) today. We provide expert water heater repair, installation and service to homeowners throughout Connecticut. Don’t forget to visit Total Mechanical Systems on Facebook and Twitter for more tips!

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Sources: https://serviceplusnow.com/blog/water-heater-tips-for-summer/, https://www.newcombandcompany.com/resources/4-common-summer-water-heater-troubles