If your air conditioning unit isn’t working, you may be tempted to wait before calling for repair. After all, maybe your air conditioner will “push through” the rest of summer just fine?

While that is possible, it likely won’t do so efficiently. Plus, do you really want to take the chance on being surprised by a complete air conditioning system breakdown on one of the hottest days of the year? And, do you really want to sacrifice your own comfort for what many times is just a minor repair?

Waiting On A/C Repairs Is Not Cool.

There are several reasons why you should never wait to repair your A/C system, even if it doesn’t seem like an emergency. 

Waiting only allows the opportunity for the current air conditioning issue to grow worse. 

One of the important reasons to repair your A/C unit as soon as it breaks down is to avoid expensive repairs. A repair need will never fix itself or go away on its own. The longer you wait, the more damage will be done to your unit, and the more expensive the repairs will be. For example, if any part has been broken or damaged, it will need to be replaced. If you delay scheduling A/C repair, other parts of your system may also be damaged as a result.

Waiting can cause a complete A/C breakdown.

Waiting can quickly turn your once minor repair into a total system replacement. If an A/C repair is ignored for too long, it can lead to a full-on system breakdown. Prompt A/C  service will help you avoid inconvenient breakdowns, and can help ensure you won’t need to replace your air conditioning system years before its time.

Waiting can cause harm to your pets.

dog heat broken air conditioning a/c repair

When your air conditioner isn’t working, it’s not only you who suffers in the heat—your pets need help staying cool too! A broken A/C can cause extreme overheating and even heat stroke in your pets — they wear fur coats, after all.

Waiting DECREASES system efficiency and INCREASES energy bills.

A broken A/C unit will have to work harder to cool your home, which means higher energy bills. You may see a significant increase in your bill if the unit is not repaired quickly. So, when you notice certain signs that your A/C system is not working properly, don’t ignore them to save a few bucks. Schedule your A/C service as soon as possible.

Waiting means being uncomfortable in your home.

A broken AC unit means discomfort for you and your family. The temperature in your home will slowly rise until it becomes unbearable. This can be dangerous, particularly for young children, the elderly, and those with health conditions that are exacerbated by heat.

broken air conditioning a/c repair service connecticut

Waiting can cause damage to other parts of your home.

If your air conditioning system is leaking, for example, the water damage can quickly spread to other parts of your home, including the ceiling, walls, and floors. The longer you wait to repair the unit, the more damage will be caused.

Waiting can cause poor indoor air quality and health issues.

If your air conditioning is not working properly, the air in your home will become stagnant and humid and result in very poor indoor air quality. This can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause a variety of health problems, including allergies, respiratory infections, and headaches. Also, if you or someone in your family has a chronic health condition, such as asthma or COPD, a broken A/C system can make their symptoms worse. In some cases, it can even be life-threatening.

There are many reasons why you should never wait to repair your A/C system. If you notice any signs that your unit is not working properly, don’t hesitate to call the trusted professionals at Total Mechanical Systems for SAME DAY SERVICE. Our Total team has been keeping Connecticut homeowners cool for 20+ years. We have a team of experienced and certified A/C technicians who are ready to help you with any air conditioner repair needs you may have. Call or text us today at (860) 314-1518 (option 1 when calling) or email contact@tmscomfort.com

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Sources: https://www.blueyetiservices.com/blog/why-you-should-never-wait-more-than-24-hours-to-repair-your-ac/utm_sourcerssutm_mediumrssutm_campaignwhy-you-should-never-wait-more-than-24-hours-to-repair-your-ac, https://www.meyersheatingac.com/blog/air-conditioning-service/4-reasons-to-never-wait-on-ac-repairs/, https://patrickrileyservices.com/help-guides/how-to-keep-pets-cool-without-ac#:~:text=A%20broken%20AC%20can%20cause,wear%20fur%20coats%2C%20after%20all.