Dangers of Low pH Levels in Your Home's Water

Although low pH levels are often overshadowed by other water quality issues like chlorine contamination and hard water, they can be just as problematic. Here we share information about the dangers of low pH levels in your home’s water and what can be done to resolve the issue.

What Are pH Levels In Water?

pH stands for “potential of hydrogen,” and it refers to the amount of dissolved hydrogen atoms in water. The pH levels of water are measured on a scale of 0-14. A measurement of 7 indicates the water is perfectly neutral. Water with pH levels below 7 is considered acidic and water with pH levels above 7 is considered alkaline. Acidic water is a common issue in Connecticut homes, especially in homes that get their water from a private well.

dangers low ph levels home water

The Dangers of Low pH Levels in Your Home’s Water…

… for your home:

One of the biggest problems with water that has low pH levels is that it is damaging to a home’s plumbing system. Acidic water naturally wants to become neutral, and it will decay metal pipes in an attempt to do so. This causes a home’s pipes to corrode when pH levels are low, which can cause them lose their stability and develop leaks. The corrosive properties of acidic water will also damage and shorten the lives of plumbing appliances like water heaters and boilers. Water with low pH levels can also stain your plumbing fixtures and the clothes that you run through your washing machine. If you notice blue-green stains on your fixtures and pipes, this is an indication of corrosion happening in your copper piping from acidic water.

… for your health:

Water with low pH levels can negatively affect your health. That’s because when acidic water corrodes your home’s pipes, it causes metals like copper and lead to leech into the water. Consuming metals like these is considered highly dangerous and has been linked to many health problems, including:

  • Neurological effects such as impaired concentration, seizures and hearing loss.
  • Gastrointestinal effects such as nausea, constipation and colic.
  • Reproductive problems such as miscarriages, reduced sperm counts and developmental issues in children.
  • Damage to a body’s most essential components, including the brain, red blood cells and kidney.

acid neutralizer low pH Wolcott, Connecticut

How to Neutralize Your Water

The first step toward neutralizing your water’s pH levels is to have your water tested by the professionals at Total Mechanical Systems. We provide pH testing for both our free and comprehensive water testing services. If our tests indicate that your water has low pH levels, we can help you choose a treatment system to neutralize it.

If you have any questions about the dangers of low pH levels in your home’s water, or if you’d like a water system serviced or installed in your home, contact Total Mechanical Systems, your preferred water treatment service provider throughout Connecticut. Cleaner, safer, better-tasting water is possible!


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Source: https://mcbrideswater.com/blog/what-are-the-risks-of-tap-water-with-high-ph-levels-and-how-can-you-neutralize-your-homes-water/