What is the importance of water treatment system maintenance?

It’s easy to take your appliances for granted and assume they are working properly at all times. It’s also easy to forget those appliances need regular maintenance, especially your water treatment systems, which are usually hidden in basements or under sinks. However, “out of sight, out of mind” is a risky path. Regardless of the type or age, every water treatment system requires maintenance. 

water treatment system maintenance reverse osmosis water softener hard water safety

1. Saves You Money

All water treatment systems have wearable parts that could easily break down. Neglecting to perform regular maintenance on your water system parts could cause a variety of issues such as:

  • Expensive leaks
  • Wasted water
  • Water damage to your home
  • Damage to your plumbing system and appliances
  • Wasted electricity

Finding a problem before it ruins your equipment could save you from having to perform costly repairs or even replacing the system entirely. With proper water system maintenance, you could also catch a minor leak or faulty valves before they turn into expensive water damage problems.

2. Better Performance

reverse osmosis water treatment water safety

Properly maintained equipment simply performs better. For example, reverse osmosis systems have pre-filters that typically need to be replaced every 10 months to 12 months. They will filter out contaminants such as sand, dirt, or other sediments that would harm the carbon filters. If you do not change the pre-filter, it can become clogged and rendered unable to protect the reverse osmosis membranes. By not changing the filters you will notice a decrease in water pressure and the amount of water that is produced. And if maintenance is never performed, the reverse osmosis system will not produce any water. This maintenance can be done yourself or you can take advantage of Total Mechanical Systems’ Home Comfort maintenance plan and we will take care of it for you. Water system maintenance is crucial if you want your reverse osmosis system or other water treatment systems to perform to the best of their abilities!

Here are a few tips for implementing a maintenance plan:

  • Pinpoint Minor Issues: The biggest part of a maintenance plan is pinpointing minor issues that have the possibility of becoming major problems.
  • Know What’s Needed to Maintain your Water System: This could include filter changes, salt, replacing carbon resin, sanitization and more.
  • Stick to Your Schedule: When you have a maintenance plan, stick to it. Don’t procrastinate or push it off.
  • Find a Service Provider: While you might be able to do certain types of maintenance on your own, a professional company will be able to provide you with higher quality maintenance when you need it.

Fortunately, with an annual water system maintenance plan in place, you can prevent the most common issues, which saves you money and headaches in the future. At Total Mechanical Systems, we’re all about service! Our licensed technicians can perform a variety of services, including filter changes, repairs and more. 

Needing a new water treatment service provider to handle all of your water treatment maintenance, service, and installation needs? Look no further. Our team of fully licensed and certified water treatment technicians with 50+ years of experience are here for you!

Don’t underestimate the importance of water treatment system maintenance. Call/text Total Mechanical Systems today at (860) 314-1518 and leave all of your water treatment needs in the hands of our 5-star professionals.

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