Do I Really Need To Get My Central Air Conditioning System Serviced?

Are air conditioner tune-ups really necessary, or can you manage just fine without this type of service? Total Mechanical Systems is here to teach you why servicing your central air conditioning serviced will benefit you, your wallet, and air quality.

Why Should I Service My Air Conditioner?

It Will Extend Your Air Conditioner’s Life. No surprise, servicing your air conditioner will help it last longer. During routine maintenance, Total Mechanical Systems will clean, adjust, and lubricate the system’s parts. Your technician will also look for any potential issues and fix them before they turn into major problems. Giving your system TLC will extend it’s life and prevent you from the inconveniences and expenses of AC replacement for a few more years.

It Will Reduce Repairs & Emergencies. Nipping trouble in the bud will not only prolong the life of your system; it also means fewer repairs and emergencies throughout the cooling season. You’ll escape unpleasant downtime when your family would have to sweat out the summer heat without a functional air conditioning system. You will also avoid hefty air conditioning repair bills – especially emergency service call charges.

It Will Improve System Efficiency. When your system is properly tuned up, it will run at peak efficiency. This means dependable home comfort for you and your family, plus lowered energy costs (and less wear and tear on the planet!).

It Will Improve Your Home’s Air Quality. Your  central air conditioning system circulates air all through your home. Make sure that the air is fresh and healthy to breathe. Air conditioning service can improve your indoor air quality by cleaning the AC and ductwork of dust, pollen, mold, mildew, and other contaminants.

What Happens If I Don’t Service My Air Conditioner?

Your warranty will probably be voided for starters. Warranties from most major air conditioning brands require regular professional maintenance to stay valid.

Equally important, the AC’s delicate components may be damaged- and might eventually fail- due to the buildup of dirt and dust, as well as lack of lubrication. As a result, you may have to replace essential parts or even the entire central air system, which will cost you much more than annual maintenance.

Need Your Air Conditioning System Serviced?

Call Total Mechanical Systems today!