Many homeowners encounter troubles with their water heaters during winter. If you notice that you wait longer for warm water to run from your faucets in winter, you’re probably suffering from the effects of our colder weather. Just like it’s hard to get ice cold water in the summer, it’s hard to get warm water in winter.

If you follow all of these tips and still find that your water isn’t as hot or stays as hot as you want it to be, it might be time to upgrade your system.

How Winter Effects Your Water Heater

The cold winter weather puts a strain on your water heater. Here’s why:

  • Standing Heat Loss: Most homes keep their water heater in a part of the house that’s not adequately heated like the basement or the garage. The cold air surrounding the tank of your water heater means that the heat inside the tank escapes faster. This forces the water heater to run longer to replace this heat.
  • Colder Water: Fresh water entering your home is a lot colder during the winter time. When cold water enters the tank, it’s much harder for your water heater to warm this air up.
  • Increased Water Use: Admit it, you take longer, hotter showers during winter—who doesn’t? The other members of your family probably do too. While this is understandable, it does contribute to your water heater working harder in winter.

How to Help

So, you recognize the problems your water heater poses for winter. Now, what can you do about it? Here are some tips:

  1. Have Your Tank Professionally Flushed: If you need your water heater serviced, our professional team is ready to help. A water heater works best when you eliminate all the build up from inside the tank. Over time, sediment builds up in the bottom of your tank because of the minerals in your water supply. This makes it more difficult to heat the water. Having a professional come out to flush your tank annually boosts your water heater efficiency and extends the unit’s lifespan.
  2. Insulate the Tank and Pipes: Is your water heater naked? Adding a little insulation to the tank of the water heater and the pipes connecting to it will keep the heat where it belongs—inside the water heater. Insulation ensures that the water won’t cool off while it’s headed from the tank to the taps. If you need help with this process, look to us!
  3. Consider Upgrading: If you notice a drastic decrease in the performance of your water heater, it might be time to get rid of your old system and upgrade to a new one. Replacing your water heater is more cost-effective than continuing to use a water heater past its prime. We can provide you with the best installation and maintenance services for your new water heater too!

If you’re considering installing a new water heater, contact our TMS team today to schedule an appointment. We can help you with everything from start to finish and are even offering $100 OFF the installation of a new water heater until the end of the year!

Give us a call at 860-314-1518 or 860-421-3310 and let us help you to keep the hot water running all winter long!