It may not seem so bad out right now, but we all know the cold weather will be back and will be here to stay for awhile.

Have you turned your heating system on yet? Was it working how you wanted it to? Was it struggling to keep up with the ideal temperature you had set for your home? Is it an older system and you’re hoping it makes it through another winter season?

Whether you need an annual maintenance to make sure everything is running safely and as it should be or if you think it may be time for a new, more efficient system… now is the time to do it. Give us a call at either (860) 314-1518 or (860) 421-3310 and let’s just talk about how we can help. We can schedule a maintenance, set up a service appointment, or even a no obligation consultation for a free estimate for a new system that may work better for you, your family, and your home. After all, peace of mind is worth so much more than constant worrying about your heating system keeping up.

We’re here for you … your comfort truly is and always will be our first priority.